In the construction industry, the global environmental crisis is a pressing concern. Climate changes, depletion of resources, oil prices and increasing pollution all have strong ties to the construction industry. While global demand soars, oil and other resources steadily deplete. Many construction companies and building teams have realized the construction industries roles in these crises and endeavor to make each of their building projects more eco-friendly.

At MDS Builders, we are tasked with both small and large scale construction project management on a regular basis. We often advise our contractors on various ways in which to make their projects run in a more eco-friendly manner. Sustainable construction is not just a trend. It’s a reality and your commercial construction company should be playing its part. Here are our top 5 tips for going green in the construction industry:

  • Pre-construction planning – one of the greatest anti-environmental practices of a construction concern is that of wastage through poor planning. Wasting of materials can result in pollution and of course this caters to excess waste of energy consumption used during the manufacturing of those resources. Part of eliminating wastage is also sticking to a strict schedule where equipment is only available and used for a certain amount of time thus reducing energy consumption and emissions from machinery.
  • Using equipment that is kind to the environment – opting to hire or buy equipment and machinery that is environmentally friendly is a great way to make your next building project more eco-friendly. Choose equipment that produces fewer emissions and do your bit towards protecting the environment.
  • Buy local and keep it sustainable – using building materials that are sustainable and locally produced / sourced is essential to the eco-friendly way.
  • Be proactive about your waste disposal – according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, commercial construction companies contribute to over 130 million tons of debris sent to landfill sites. That’s a shocking statistic. To avoid contributing to it, set in place strict methods of waste disposal. Firstly, only order precisely what you need and instead of sending all your construction waste to a landfill site, see how much you can send to the various recycling centers.
  • Encourage alternative energy systems – when working on a construction project, encourage clients to consider solar power systems over regular grid supplied power. Using the sun’s energy to create power in a building cuts back on the draw on the grid and does wonders for the environment.

If you want to ensure that your construction project is handled the green way, turn to us for effective commercial construction services and project management at MDS Builders. 

Hire MDS Builders as your professional construction project management team

With the help of MDS Builders your construction projects can become greener and more sustainable. For more information and advice on our construction services and project management, contact us via email or telephone at MDS Builders today.